COVID-19 - It Changed The World
I would like to address the Covid takedown of 2020. This has affected everyone. The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 213 countries and territories around the world and 2 international conveyances. Approx. 5,709,517 people.
I am so proud of the innovation and the coming together of this world in a time where nothing else matters but pure humanity. Change is inevitable, if we are not changing we are standing still. This life changing pandemic has brought light to changes that have needed to be made for years, if not decades. This is something that finally levels the playing field, a time where we need to all work together for the health and safety of everyone. The value of human’s life and time is finally being recognized and put first. We all take this for granted as individual, schools, senior complexes and places of business. Now that our life is on the line everyone takes notice. How ignorant we created a world where we have been mass used for the purpose of money rather than what we have to offer to make it better.
May every single person find light at the end of the tunnel, may this allow us to lead with our hearts a little more often than our heads, and remember to always value the small things in life, they are what really matters.
To all the incredibly strong families that have lost loved ones to this pandemic my heart and blessings go out to you, My you find peace with this tragedy and know that the darkest times make us the strongest. Your lost loved one has brought love and compassion back into this world and that is a gift not many can say there loved one did for this world.
For any one the is struggling or feeling that your weak you are not alone. Please know you are good enough! You are the most important person and you have the world to give. Your strength is what will be born from hard times. There is no shame in saying “I can't fucking take this anymore!" This is the moment you decide to change, use that force to make this life better for you.
Important Phone/Text Numbers
- Addiction Helpline – 1-866-332-2322
- Community Resources – 211 Alberta
- Crisis Text Line - Text CONNECT to 741741
- Family Violence – Find Supports – 310-1818
- Income Supports – 1-866-644-5135
- Kids Help Phone – 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
- Mental Health Helpline – 1-877-303-2642
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK [8255}) is a United States-based