Okay Let’s Laugh & Learn
What does a Laugh Do: A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your disease resistance.Laughter Traditions When a baby is firstborn, the Navajo believe the child lives among the Holy People, until the first time the baby laughs. The act of laughing is a sign the child is transitioning from the spirit world with the Diyin Diné and is ready to fully join his or her family in lifeThese are...
History Lesson - Women In Golf - Paving The Way.
The Best The Worst & The Ugly - Life Lessons
I have had 3 people in my life all on different levels of relationships with me bring, to light THE BEST, THE WORST & THE UGLY to the forefront in 8 hours. Which made me reflect on, how our interactions change us? How relationships on any level change who we are. The day started with THE UGLY, you know those people you know who are ugly humans on the inside because they are hiding their insecurities by being fake in day-to-day life. You see through their shit a mile away! I have known this person for 5 years. This person was brought up in a...